A BJP delegation, which included Union minister Mansukh Mandaviya and former minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, on Tuesday moved the EC and accused the Congress of putting out advertisements in the form a news or opinion piece about a wave in its support in the Rajasthan assembly polls and demanded action from the Election Commission against the state’s ruling party.
BJP IT department head Amit Malviya told media that “A registered number was generated for the caller, creating an impression that only the caller would benefit by voting for a particular candidate or party, specifically the Congress party.
This creates a narrative that only those who register themselves will get the benefits and others will not, and added it aims to mislead voters,he added. Former Law Minister Ravi Shanka Prasad told reporters that the BJP’s another complaint which noted that the Congress issued Hindi advertisements in a couple of leading dailies about its “lahar” (wave).
The manner in which it was put out made it a deliberate attempt to make an impression in the minds of voters that it is a news/opinion published after a survey, he added
“We also requested the EC to issue guidelines to ensure that such an incident is not repeated in future polls,” Prasad said.
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