The BJP has lodged a complaint with the Election Commission against Sunil Bose, the Congress candidate from the Chamarajanagara Lok Sabha constituency. Led by former district BJP president Narayana Prasad, a delegation submitted the complaint against Bose, who is the son of HC Mahadevappa and a close associate of CM Siddaramaiah, to the district election officer, as per officials on Saturday. The complaint accuses Bose of failing to disclose pertinent information in his nomination affidavit.
Karnataka, with its 28 Lok Sabha seats, is scheduled to hold elections in two phases on April 26 and May 7. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the Congress and JD-S formed an alliance against the BJP, but they suffered heavy losses. The BJP secured a historic 25 seats, while the Congress and JD-S managed to win only one seat each. In the previous 2014 Lok Sabha elections, the BJP won 17 seats, the INC secured 9, and the Janata Dal (Secular) managed two seats. Looking ahead, the 2024 Lok Sabha elections are slated to take place in seven phases, commencing on April 19, with the results declared on June 4.
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