Tamil Nadu BJP Chief and Coimbatore Lok Sabha candidate, K Annamalai, launched his election campaign with a roadshow in Madurai, starting from Teppakulam Maidanam. Riding on an open-roofed vehicle, Annamalai kicked off his campaign for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
“MK Stalin and DMK are the enemies of Tamil Nadu and the people of the state. Today, it is only the BJP that is in the field and campaigning for the election,” Annamalai said, emphasizing the BJP’s strong presence in the electoral arena.
“June 4 will attest to the fact that Tamil Nadu will come Modiji’s way, that is, in a very big way,” Annamalai earlier stated, expressing his confidence in the BJP’s prospects in Tamil Nadu.
Annamalai, a former Karnataka cadre IPS officer, joined the BJP in 2020 after resigning from the service in 2019. He assumed the role of BJP state president a year later.
The Lok Sabha elections in Tamil Nadu are scheduled for April 19, with all 39 seats going to polls in the first phase. The results, along with those from other phases, will be counted on June 4.
In the 2019 Lok Sabha polls, the DMK secured a sweeping victory in Tamil Nadu, winning 23 seats and garnering the majority of the total votes polled at 33.2 per cent. Its ally, the Congress, won 8 seats with 12.9 per cent of the votes. Other parties like CPI, CPI (M), and IUML also secured seats, while two seats went to Independents.
The general elections for 543 Lok Sabha seats will be conducted in seven phases, starting from April 19. Approximately 97 crore voters are eligible to cast their votes in this election.
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