The Minister of Law and Justice, Arjun Ram Meghwal, said on Wednesday that the Bharatiya Janata Party has always been in favour of empowering women. The BJP is the first party in the country that, in its national convention in Vadodara, decided to give 33 per cent of posts to women in the party. During the time of Congress, the Women’s Reservation Bill never came up for discussion in the Lok Sabha.
When the BJP was in opposition, we kept demanding this bill from the government, but Congress, enjoying the pleasure of power, never brought the bill, Meghwal said.
On social media, Meghwal also stated that the ‘Nari Shakti Vanda’n Bill is an important step towards making India a developed India.
While addressing the Lok Sabha on the Women’s Reservation Bill, Meghwal highlighted the salient features. “This bill will enhance the dignity of women as well as equality of opportunity.”Women will get representation.”
On Tuesday, Union Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal introduced the bill in the first sitting of Lok Sabha in the new Parliament building. The bill has been named “Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam.”
Introducing the bill in the House, the minister said, “This bill is in relation to women’s empowerment. By amending Article 239AA of the Constitution, 33 per cent of seats will be reserved for women in the National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi. Article 330A reservations of seats for SC/ST in the House of People.” Arjun Meghwal said that once the Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam is passed, the number of seats for women in the Lok Sabha will increase to 181.
Former Union Law Minister Ashwani Kumar said on Tuesday that the introduction of the Women›s Reservation Bill is a transformative moment in the nation›s history.
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