The Bharatiya Janata Party has alleged that the Muslim woman, who was a BJP Minority Morcha leader in Cooch Behar district in north Bengal, was assaulted, disrobed and paraded by Trinamool Congress supporters on June 25. Following the incident, video of which has gone viral, Union Minister and West Bengal BJP president Sukanta Majumdar on Friday formed a seven-member team, led by MLA Agnimitra Paul, to visit the spot and submit a report to him by early next week. The West Bengal Police reported that a case was registered regarding the incident, and three suspects have been arrested.

BJP’s Leader of the Opposition Suvendu Adhikari said that he has written to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), the National Commission for Women (NCW), and the National Commission for Minorities (NCM), urging them to investigate the incident.

In his letters, Adhikari wrote: “One Hossainara Begum, vice-president, BJP Minority Morcha, daughter of Bajle Rahaman of Village Rangamati, P.O. Ramthenga, P.S. Ghoksadanga, Dist. Cooch Behar, has been brutally attacked. She was dragged by her hair and subjected to severe physical assault and her dress opened in broad daylight. She has been admitted to the hospital and her condition is alarming.

“This is another example of post-poll violence in West Bengal where minority community women are also not being spared of physical assault by the ruling TMC hooligans. This brutal incident has shocked the Muslim community. I request you to send your investigation team to the spot and enquire into the matter. I am sending the copy of the complaint and photographs of the victim for your necessary action.”

Agency reports quoted the alleged victim, speaking from the hospital, as saying: “TMC goons said they were punishing me for being associated with the BJP”. However, the Trinamool Congress denied the allegation, claiming the incident was related to a property dispute.

“The TMC has nothing to do with the incident. This incident is the result of a property dispute. The allegations are baseless and politically motivated,” Trinamool spokesperson Santanu Sen said.

Meanwhile, Coochbehar Police released a statement titled: “Coochbehar Police fights rumours”. It said: “It has come to our attention that false rumours are being spread regarding an incident involving a Muslim woman in Coochbehar, West Bengal. It is being falsely reported that the woman was stripped and beaten for supporting a political party.

This misinformation is being used to give communal and political colours to a family dispute for vested interests. The police said that the actual incident occurred on the afternoon of June 25, 2024. The victim. along with other local villagers. was at the bank of the Mansai River to graze goats and cut grass for feeding.

A quarrel broke out over a previous grudge between the victim and four other women from the same village. During this altercation. the victim’s clothes were torn. A case was promptly registered at Ghoksadanga Police Station based on the victim’s father’s complaint. Within 24 hours. three of the named accused were arrested.”

“Safikul Mia, the brother-in-law of the victim, took a photograph of her secretly and circulated it, which has fuelled these false rumours. His confessional video statement has been recorded, and he has been arrested. His phone has been seized for forensic examination.

“The victim’s mother and son have both provided video statements confirming that this was purely a family fight among the women over grass cutting. No men were involved in the fight or the assault. The incident is a family matter and should not be given any communal or political colour,” the police statement said.


“The TMC has nothing to do with the incident. This incident is the result of a property dispute. The allegations are baseless and politically motivated,” Trinamool spokesperson Santanu Sen said. “The victim’s mother and son have both provided video statements confirming that this was purely a family fight among the women over grass cutting. No men were involved in the fight or the assault. The incident is a family matter and should not be given any communal or political colour,” the police statement said.


Leader of Opposition in West Bengal Assembly Suvendu Adhikari speaks to the media in Kolkata on Friday. ANI