A day after the BJD removed Khandapada MLA Soumya Ranjan Patnaik from the party’s vice-president post, Opposition BJP and Congress said the regional party’s leaders feel suffocated in it. The ruling party removed Patnaik from the VP post after he allegedly wrote critical editorial pieces in his Odia daily ‘Sambad’. He had also raised fingers on Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik’s private secretary VK Pandian’s whirlwind tour across Odisha using the state’s official helicopter.
The Khandapada MLA was also accused of “blackmailing” the ruling party by at least two ministers, Higher Education Minister Atanu S Nayak and Industries Minister P K Deb. Nayagarh MLA had also made a similar allegation against legislator, which he rejected.
Supporting the Khandapada MLA, Odisha BJP president Manmohan Samal said BJD leaders are now feeling suffocated within the party.
“Soumya Babu has said the truth. Hundreds of falsehood can’t become the truth. They (BJD) have almost axed all the leaders. Nobody is happy in the BJD. From workers to leaders, all are feeling suffocated within the party. They are in a state of fear and panic,” Samal told reporters.
Stating that many BJD leaders were in contact with the saffron party, Samal said they will make the right decision at the right time.
Opposition Congress also slammed the BJP alleging that there is no democratic governance in Odisha and the state is ruled by the bureaucrats.
Congress Legislature Party leader Narasingha Mishra alleged there is conflict within the BJD. “Some recent incidents have proved that there is no democratic governance in Odisha now. Rather, the state is governed by the bureaucrats,” Mishra said.
Referring to Soumya Ranjan Patnaik’s editorial criticism which has been considered as “anti-party” activities, Mishra said, “If someone’s comments are based on facts, it should not be considered as opinion against the party. The ministers and MLAs have no value in the BJD now. The administration is giving no importance to them.” Meanwhile, Agriculture Minister RP Swain in a video message said, “Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik is everything for BJD. His words are orders for the BJD leaders and workers. Narasingha Babu (Mishra) should better concentrate on his own party instead of making comment on BJD.”