Haryana BJP in-charge Biplab Kumar Deb shared his thoughts on the preparations of the Haryana BJP for 2024. He talked about the perception that when any leader faces allegations and joins the BJP, those allegations seem to fade away.
He mentioned that people often say that when someone joins the BJP, they become “pure.” Regarding dynasty politics and corruption, Biplab Kumar Deb stated that historically, those involved in dynasty politics tend to stay limited in their influence. He suggested that India should be seen as a family, as Prime Minister Modi believes in uniting the entire country. He responded to a question about whether the Congress wants to see a face-off between Rahul and Modi in 2024 by saying that they attempted that in 2019 and did not succeed. He emphasized that repeating the same strategy might not yield different results, as it’s a part of India’s history that once tested, something does not win.Speaking about the Ram temple issue, he mentioned that Lord Ram is present throughout their system, and attempts to obstruct this have not been successful.
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