A final-year college student was allegedly sexually assaulted early Sunday morning by an unknown biker after she hitchhiked a ride in Bengaluru. The incident occurred as the young woman was returning home to Hebbagodi from a get-together in Koramangala, according to Additional Commissioner of Police (East Zone) Raman Gupta.

The woman, who is studying at a city college, was reportedly attacked by the man who offered her a ride. “A man from whom she had taken a ‘lift’ made a criminal assault and raped her. We have registered a rape case and started an investigation,” Gupta stated during a press briefing.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the suspect is the biker who gave the woman a ride, and authorities are actively pursuing leads to apprehend him. Gupta and other police officers visited the crime scene and spoke with the victim and her family to gather more information.

“We have formed five teams to carry out the investigation, and we are confident that the culprit will be arrested soon,” Gupta assured. The case has sparked outrage, and the police are working swiftly to bring the perpetrator to justice.