A horrifying incident from Bihar’s Nawada district has come to light in which the panchayat allegedly released a rape suspect after ordering him to perform sit-ups as a form of punishment, according to police sources.

The culprit was from the same hamlet as the little girl who was reportedly the victim of his rape, according to the local police. According to sources, a panchayat was summoned three days ago to discuss the situation, and the panchayat chief, or mukhiya, as the position is known locally, ordered the accused youth to perform five sit-ups as retribution for the alleged rape.

A village panchayat was convened, and the situation was resolved after the young man accused of raping a youngster was compelled to perform five sit-ups, according to a statement released by the local police.

“A video purportedly showing the youth doing sit-ups went viral on social media,” said an officer of the local police station.
The viral video of the panchayat allegedly settling the rape case by way of a light punishment for the accused drew outrage from netizens.
“On the basis of the viral video, an FIR was registered on the order of the Nawada SP,” the officer added.
The SHO of the local police station told ANI, “An FIR has been registered in the case, and all angles are being looked at as part of the ongoing investigation.”