Independent Bihar MP Rajesh Ranjan, also known as Pappu Yadav, wore a T-shirt with the hashtag “#RENEET” while taking his oath in the Lok Sabha on June 25. He criticized the BJP-led central government over the NEET-UG exam controversy, questioning why no re-examination has been scheduled after the exams were canceled.

Yadav began his oath with “Bihar zindabad” and ended with slogans demanding a NEET-UG re-examination and special category status for Bihar. When BJP’s Kiren Rijiju objected to his slogans, Yadav, a six-time MP from Purnia, retorted that he fights alone and doesn’t need lessons from those who won with others’ mercy.

He later told reporters that while other members were invoking gods and engaging in sycophancy, no one was addressing issues concerning the youth, such as the NEET controversy and Bihar’s special status. The NEET-UG has faced controversy due to alleged irregularities in its conduct.