Caste-based census begins in Bihar on Saturday. Deputy Chief Minister Tejashvi Yadav said the enumeration exercise will enable the government to scientifically carry out the development work in the state to benefit poor people.

The first phase will be covered until January 21 when the number of households in the state will be counted. The caste-based headcount will be conducted across all 38 districts in two stages. Furthermore, Yadav said the opposition party never wanted the survey to be conducted as BJP is against policies for the poor.

“The caste-based survey will start in Bihar today. It will give us scientific data so that budget and social welfare schemes can be made accordingly. BJP is anti-poor. They don’t want this to happen,” Yadav said while talking to the media.

The second phase of the survey will be held from April 1 to April 30 to collect data about people of all castes, sub-castes, socioeconomic conditions, etc.

The survey would cover an estimated population of 12.70 crores in an estimated 2.58 crore households in 38 districts, which have 534 blocks and 261 urban local bodies. The survey would be completed by May 31, 2023.