Bhulai Bhai, BJP’s oldest and most loyal party member, passed away at 111 following prolonged illness. Known for his dedication to the party and respected for his honesty, Shri Narayan, widely called Bhulai Bhai, was kept on oxygen support due to age-related issues at his residence in Pagaar village, Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh.
On Monday, his family rushed him to a hospital in Kaptanganj as his condition worsened, but he passed away during treatment. Bhulai Bhai entered politics under the inspiration of Jana Sangh leader Deendayal Upadhyaya and later served twice as a Jana Sangh MLA from the Naurangia constituency in Kushinagar starting in 1974. When the BJP was founded in 1980, he remained a committed worker, symbolizing purity in public service.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Bhulai Bhai gained attention when Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally called to check on his health. Later, at a BJP event in Lucknow, Union Home Minister Amit Shah came off the stage to honor Bhulai Bhai in a gesture of respect. He was also a special guest at Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s swearing-in ceremony in 2022, with Adityanath later making a call to inquire about Bhulai Bhai’s well-being.
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