In Bhojpur, four friends from Bara Kharauni village went to Shivpur ghat for a holy dip. They are also feared drowned. Same incident happened in Patna/Ara, at least eight people, including four from the same family, are drowned Ganga Dussehra on Sunday. In Patna, a family’s holy dip in the Ganga river turned tragic. Their boat capsized in the Barh area. Four family members are missing, and thirteen others were rescued.

The missing in Bhojpur are Ramji Gond, Nishu Sharma, Sonu Kumar Yadav, and Deepu Kumar. The missing in Barh are Avdhesh Kumar, his brother-in-law Hardev Prasad, Nitish Kumar, and Manju Devi .

In response,

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar announced that an ex-gratia amount of Rs 4 lakhs will be given to the families of each deceased victim. He expressed his condolences and assured that the state government would provide all necessary support to the affected families during this tragic time.