The Union Railway Minister shared a path-breaking update on X (formerly Twitter) on December 5 about completing India’s first 410-meter Hyperloop test track. This has a big significance to how much the country has advanced with regards to high-speed transportation and aspires to lead in futuristic transit technologies.
This is a test track situated at IIT Madras‘ Discovery Campus in Thaiyur, which was developed in collaboration with Indian Railways, IIT Madras’ Avishkar Hyperloop team, and TuTr Hyperloop, a startup incubated at the institute. The minister commended the team, writing, “Bharat’s first Hyperloop test track (410 meters) completed.
Thumbs up to Team Railways, IIT-Madras‘ Avishkar Hyperloop team, and TuTr.”
The Hyperloop test track serves as a base to enhance and further improve high-speed, cost-effective, and sustainable modes of transit solutions. On its maiden run on the test track, the vehicle accelerated up to 100 km/h; soon it is intended to achieve speeds of up to 600 km/h over a more extended length.
The Ministry of Railways is one of the other key partners for this project. It has been actively contributing to the Hyperloop initiative at IIT Madras. India, in fact, commits to innovation and sustainable development in transportation.
If it is successfully implemented, Hyperloop technology may change the face of urban mobility by supplementing or complementing the existing metro rail systems. It promises fast, reliable, and efficient travel, changing the way cities function by reducing travel time and congestion while being sustainable.
This milestone is expected to put India on the global Hyperloop race map, ushering in a new era in its transportation landscape.
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