Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj has written to Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar seeking an action-taken report into alleged non-compliance of his directions for providing radiological equipment to government hospitals in public-private-partnership mode, sources said on Friday.
The communication comes weeks after an injured man died since he was allegedly denied admission by four hospitals, including three Delhi government hospitals.
Bharadwaj’s communication to Kumar cited the Delhi Medical Association’s letter to Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal after he approved a health department proposal recommending action against four doctors in the matter, sources said.
The DMA, in its letter, said the lieutenant governor, chief minister and health minister should decide among themselves to take collective responsibility for the death rather than pin the blame on the doctors, they added.
In the communication, Bharadwaj mentioned that he had sought information about radiological equipment available in each Delhi government hospital.
Following the analysis of the data submitted by the hospitals, a meeting was held on September 25 with senior health department officials and medical directors of state-run hospitals, sources said.
During the meeting, the department informed Bharadwaj that a committee had been formed to examine the proposal of outsourcing radiological services under PPP model.
In November, the minister requested the health secretary to provide the status of the proposal, but no details were provided, the communication to the chief secretary said.
In the note, the minister has sought an inquiry into alleged non-compliance of his directions and also sought action against the officers responsible. He has requested an action-taken report from Kumar within two weeks.
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