A 45-year-old woman in Bengaluru was conned out of Rs 18 lakh in a scratch card scam, where she was misled into believing she had won Rs 15.51 lakh from a fake card. The scam required her to pay fees and taxes to claim her winnings, illustrating the importance of being cautious and not sharing personal information in such situations.

Scratch cards, while enjoyable, can also be used by scammers to exploit unsuspecting individuals. According to a recent Deccan Herald report, the woman fell victim to a new scam involving scratch cards, losing Rs 18 lakh in the process.

The scam unfolded when she received a scratch card allegedly from the online shopping website Mesh, along with a letter and contact details. Upon scratching the card, she discovered she had won Rs 15.51 lakh. Following the instructions in the letter, she contacted the provided number. The individual on the line requested her ID proofs, informing her that due to the illegality of lotteries and lucky draws in Karnataka, she would not receive 4 percent of the lottery amount and would also need to pay 30 percent tax to claim the rest. As a result, she transferred Rs 18 lakh to clear the required documentation and collect her winnings. However, she later realized that she had been scammed.

To avoid falling victim to such scams, it’s essential to remain vigilant and follow these guidelines:

  • Be cautious of unexpected scratch cards, especially those received through the mail or attached to other products.
  • Legitimate lotteries and promotions do not require payment to claim winnings.
  • If uncertain about a scratch card’s legitimacy, contact the company directly.
  • Never provide personal information such as bank account details or social security numbers to claim a scratch card prize.
  • Report any suspicious activities to the relevant authorities.