Bengaluru: In a significant breakthrough in the investigation of the Rameswaram Cafe blast in Bengaluru on March 1, National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials have uncovered a vital lead. The suspected terrorist, responsible for leaving a bomb at Rameswaram Cafe, managed to escape after boarding a BMTC Volvo bus and changing clothes near Hudi.
The elusive suspect left behind a crucial piece of evidence, a hat, in his hurried escape near Hudi. NIA officials discovered the hat during their investigation and are now utilizing it to trace the identity of the perpetrator.
Contrary to initial suspicions of the suspect fleeing to Tamil Nadu, it has been revealed that he traveled to Bellary via Tumkur. The NIA, analyzing CCTV footage from various locations in Bengaluru, discovered that the suspect boarded a bus to Tumkur on the day of the incident. However, the trail led to Bellary, raising speculations of the suspect heading to Bidar or Bhatkal from there.
The suspect, captured on CCTV footage in a BMTC Volvo bus, is believed to have spoken Hindi, suggesting a possible connection to another state. Authorities are intensifying efforts to analyze the video for further insights.
In an effort to aid identification, the NIA has released a sketch of the suspected terrorist, drawn by artist Harsha. With a reward of Rs 10 lakh announced for information leading to the suspect, the public has already begun providing crucial leads. NIA officials are hopeful that the released sketch will play a pivotal role in apprehending the individual responsible for the Rameswaram Cafe blast.
As the investigation continues, citizens are urged to remain vigilant and report any relevant information to assist the authorities in their pursuit of justice.
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