Police reported that during the annual day celebrations at a college in Bengaluru, a tragic incident occurred where a 22-year-old student allegedly stabbed to death a security guard who prevented him from re-entering the campus. The victim, Jai Kishan Roy, 52, originally from Bihar and also responsible for the college’s discipline committee, was fatally attacked, according to officials.
The accused, identified as Bhargav Jyothi Burman, 22, a third-year BA student at Sindhi College and also from Bihar, allegedly assaulted the security guard around 2pm. Police suspect Burman was intoxicated during the incident and are awaiting his blood alcohol test results to confirm this detail. Eyewitnesses, including other students, were present during the altercation, the officer stated.
Authorities noted that the college administration had informed students beforehand that re-entry into the premises during the annual day festivities would not be permitted once they had left the compound.
“Burman attempted to re-enter the campus after leaving, and Roy intervened,” the officer explained.
Enraged, Burman reportedly purchased a knife from a nearby store and stabbed Roy multiple times.
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Kate later took to Instagram to share that her cancer was in remission.