On August 22, miscreants in Bengaluru’s Indiranagar used a specialized tool to break into cars parked on a busy street, making off with laptops and other valuables. The incident, which occurred around 7:30 PM near the Global Desi store and Westside in Indiranagar’s Main 100 Ft Road, has left residents concerned about safety.

Thieves Caught on CCTV

One of the victims, Surya, took to social media to share his ordeal, urging locals to be cautious and demanding swift action from the police. Surya, who lost his laptop and valuables in the incident, shared CCTV footage showing the thieves in action. The footage reveals one thief using a special device to silently break the car windows, while another distracts the security guard. The thieves then quickly grab the bags and flee, all in plain sight on a crowded street.


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Repeated Incidents Raise Concerns

Surya mentioned that this is not an isolated incident, as similar thefts have occurred in the same lane before. “Bengaluru streets are feeling less safe by the day. Bengaluru Police need your swift action!” he wrote, urging authorities to investigate and take action to prevent future incidents.

Public Reactions to the Incident

The social media post, which has garnered over seven lakh views since August 28, has sparked widespread concern. Many users expressed their alarm, with one stating, “Bengaluru is getting increasingly unsafe with every passing day.” Others advised against leaving valuables in cars, especially in plain sight, emphasizing the ease with which thieves can break windows.

Surya concluded his post with a warning to fellow Bengaluru residents, urging them to stay alert and avoid leaving valuables in their cars to prevent similar incidents.

The incident highlights the growing concerns over public safety in Bengaluru, particularly in busy areas like Indiranagar. Residents are calling for increased vigilance and quicker police action to curb such crimes.