Bengaluru, often referred to as the ‘Garden City’ and ‘India’s Silicon Valley,’ has set a new weather record for 2024, with residents continuing to enjoy unusually cool conditions. On Friday, the city recorded its coldest day of the year, with a maximum temperature of just 23.8 degrees Celsius. This is notably 3 degrees lower than Delhi’s minimum temperature forecast for the week and significantly cooler than the typical July temperatures.

The rare cold snap is attributed to multiple weather factors. The primary cause is an offshore trough over coastal Karnataka, which has brought cool, moist air from the Arabian Sea into the region. As reported by The Times of India, this has led to a substantial drop in temperatures.

What’s Next for Bengaluru’s Weather?

The upcoming weather forecast for Bengaluru indicates generally cloudy skies and light rain over the next few days. From July 21 to 23, temperatures are expected to range between 20 to 27 degrees Celsius, with a high of 28 degrees Celsius anticipated on the 23rd. On July 24 and 25, temperatures will remain between 20 and 26 degrees Celsius, with rain predicted on the 25th. This temperature range is likely to continue on July 26.

“In less than 24 hours, Bengaluru experienced a temperature drop of 3.2 degrees Celsius. The city recorded 27 degrees on Thursday, but on Friday, it was only 23.8 degrees, making it the coldest day of 2024 so far,” noted CS Patil, a scientist at IMD, Bengaluru, in a report by TOI.

Another meteorologist added, “It’s been three days since Bengaluru last saw the sun. Cloudy and rainy conditions are expected to persist for at least another day.”

The westerly winds have also contributed to this weather shift by bringing moisture from the sea, which has combined with existing weather patterns to lower temperatures in Bengaluru and surrounding areas.

Karnataka has been experiencing heavy rainfall, with monsoon precipitation 22 percent above the norm since June, according to a statement from a minister to news agency PTI.