Bengaluru court grants bail to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi in a defamation case filed against him by the BJP Karnataka unit. Gandhi is scheduled to appear before a special court in Bengaluru on Friday in connection with the said case, which revolves around allegations made by the BJP regarding advertisements and campaigning by the Congress ahead of the 2023 state assembly elections, purportedly damaging their image.

Earlier, bail was secured by Chief Minister Siddaramaiah and Deputy CM DK Shivakumar, both of whom appeared in court on June 1. Siddaramaiah commented on the case, revealing, “A private complaint was filed against me, KPCC president, and Rahul Gandhi too. Rahul Gandhi will also appear in court.” Shivakumar dismissed the allegations as “false,” echoing Siddaramaiah’s stance.

This legal development unfolds against the backdrop of the May 2023 state assembly elections, where the Congress party clinched a commanding victory, securing 135 out of 224 seats and displacing the ruling BJP. The BJP managed to secure 66 seats, while the Janata Dal-Secular won 19 seats.

The upcoming court appearance of Rahul Gandhi underscores the ongoing legal battle between political factions, highlighting the intensity of post-election disputes and the scrutiny faced by leaders in the Indian political landscape.