BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar on Monday claimed the ongoing CBI probe into the alleged financial irregularities in R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital showed the nexus between the State and the corrupt hospital lobby and announced a series of programmes to protest the alleged rape and murder of a woman doctor at the State-run hospital here more than two weeks back.

The programmes will be held across the State between August 28 and September 4, said Majumdar, also the Union Minister of State for Education and DoNER.

Demanding Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s resignation for her alleged failure to address the issue of women’s safety, Majumdar said the party would begin a sit-in in Esplanade area of Kolkata from August 28 while the party’s women’s wing would lock the gates of the State Women’s Commission office.

“The State Women’s Commission seems to have gone into a stupor,” Majumdar told reporters on the sidelines of a demonstration by BJP in the Shyambazar area of the city, a stone’s throw from RG Kar Medical College and Hospital.

The BJP leader said that on August 29, party activists will gherao the District Magistrate’s office in every district at noon while protests will be held outside the administrative offices in every block on September 2.

On September 4, a ‘chakka jam’ will be observed everywhere in the State stalling the movement of traffic for one hour, he said.

Majumdar claimed the ongoing CBI probe into the alleged financial irregularities in R.G. Kar Medical College and Hospital showed the nexus between the State and the corrupt hospital lobby.

“The Chief Minister is shielding big fish involved in the shady deals amounting to crores,” he alleged.

“We demand the phone conversations between the CM and a powerful official of the hospital be brought under the ambit of investigation by CBI,” the Union Minister of State for Education said.

In a response to the BJP, Trinamool Congress leader Kunal Ghosh said while the main demand of every citizen of the State centres around the punishment of all those involved in the rape and murder of the doctor, the BJP is talking about so-called financial irregularities in the hospital.

Responding to BJP’s planned programmes, Trinamool Congress State spokesperson Joy Prakash Majumdar said, “To divert the focus from the delay by CBI in tracking the perpetrators of the crime, the BJP is trying to foment trouble in the State and disrupt normal life.”

“While the entire West Bengal is asking the CBI to ensure justice is done to the victim doctor, the BJP’s only demand is resignation of the CM who has expressed solidarity with the victim’s family and stood by them. She also reiterated her Government and party’s stance about zero tolerance to incidents like rape,” he added.

“This shows the BJP is not serious about the main issue of women’s safety, the issue flagged by lakhs of women of West Bengal. The Trinamool Congress shares the concern of the women of the State and demands justice for the victim. The CBI should speed up the probe on this,” Ghosh said.