Indian Railways announced the cancellation of all train services to Bangladesh, including the Kolkata-Dhaka-Kolkata Maitri Express, starting from July 19 and continuing until August 6. The decision comes in response to the ongoing political unrest in Bangladesh, which has raised concerns about safety and security for travelers.
The suspension affects a key route between India and Bangladesh, which has been a vital link for passengers traveling between Kolkata and Dhaka. The Maitri Express, known for its role in fostering closer ties between the two nations, will not operate during this period.
The Indian Railways decision aims to ensure the safety of passengers and to manage operational challenges arising from the unstable situation across the border. Travelers with bookings on these routes are advised to check for updates and make alternative arrangements.
The temporary halt in services reflects broader efforts to address security concerns and maintain smooth operations amid regional instability. The situation will be reassessed before August 6, with further updates provided as needed.
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