On Thursday, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) unveiled Makhan Singh as its candidate for the Sangrur Lok Sabha constituency. The announcement was made by Randhir Singh Beniwal, the BSP’s representative for Punjab, Haryana, and Chandigarh.

Jasvir Singh Garhi, the BSP’s chief in Punjab, emphasized Singh’s extensive involvement with the party, noting his current role as the general secretary of the BSP’s state unit. Singh brings with him a wealth of experience, having previously served as the deputy director of the state health department.

Sangrur, presently represented by Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar) member Simranjit Singh Mann, will witness a three-cornered contest with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) fielding Gurmeet Singh Meet Hayer for the same seat.

Beniwal assured that the BSP will soon announce candidates for the remaining constituencies in Punjab. Earlier, the party had disclosed its contenders for the Hoshiarpur and Ferozepur seats.

The BSP’s decision to go solo in the parliamentary elections underscores its commitment to independent political positioning. With polling for all 13 Lok Sabha seats in Punjab scheduled for June 1, the political landscape in the state is set for an intriguing showdown.