In the wake of recent violence in Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh’s Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has announced disciplinary measures against several police officials. The Station House Officer (SHO) of Hardi police station and the in-charge of the Mahsi area have been removed from their positions. Additionally, Circle Officer (CO) Mahsi Rupendra Gaur has been dismissed, and CO Ravi Khokhar from Rampur has been appointed as the new CO for Mahsi in Bahraich.
Earlier this week, CM Adityanath emphasized the government’s commitment to ensuring justice for the victim’s family during a meeting in Lucknow. He stated that the culprits would face severe consequences, reinforcing the administration’s resolve to address the situation. The victim’s family has been provided with financial assistance of Rs 10 lakh, a house under the PM Awas Yojana, and an Antyodaya card.
Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak has ordered a high-level inquiry into the incident, pledging strict action against those responsible. The violence erupted during a Durga idol immersion procession in the Mahsi area, where a clash occurred between two communities. Police reports indicate that the procession was passing through a predominantly Muslim area when a dispute arose, leading to gunfire that resulted in one death and multiple injuries.
Bahraich Superintendent of Police (SP) Vrinda Shukla explained, “In the Maharajganj area of Mahsi, the procession passed by a mosque, and tensions escalated over a disagreement. A member of the Hindu community was shot, leading to a tense situation.”
In response to the clashes, police conducted a route march in the affected areas. Chief Minister Adityanath has made it clear that anyone attempting to disrupt peace in Bahraich will be dealt with severely.
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