Protests erupted at Badlapur railway station in Thane district on Tuesday, causing major disruptions to rail services. The demonstrations were sparked by the alleged sexual assault of two fourth-grade girls in Badlapur, Maharashtra, which has led to widespread outrage. As the situation escalated, with angry residents throwing stones at a local school, police intervened with tear gas and lathi charges to control the crowd.

The unrest at the railway station resulted in the diversion of 12 mail express trains and the partial cancellation of 30 local trains. The Central Railway’s CPRO stated that trains on the route have been rerouted from Badlapur to Kalyan and then towards Karjat via Diva and Panvel. Service interruptions have been significant, with cancellations affecting local trains between Ambernath and Karjat-Khopoli. The impact is expected to grow as peak travel times approach.

Despite these disruptions, services from Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) to Ambernath and Kasara are running normally. In response to the travel chaos, the Railways have requested assistance from state transport departments to deploy approximately 100 buses to accommodate stranded passengers. So far, 55 buses have been dispatched to help passengers travel between Kalyan and Karjat.

Police efforts to manage the protests included using tear gas to disperse crowds and lathi charges to restore order. Government Railway Police (GRP) Commissioner Ravindra Shisve reported that the tracks have been cleared and that a report will be submitted to resume normal railway operations as soon as possible. The disturbances reflect the intensity of public anger over the alleged assault and the resulting upheaval in the community.