The father of Akshay Shinde, the accused in a sexual assault case from Badlapur who was killed in an encounter with Thane Police, approached the Bombay High Court on Tuesday. He is seeking a special investigation team (SIT) inquiry into his son’s death, which he claims was the result of a “fake encounter.”
According to police reports, 23-year-old Shinde was being taken by the Thane Crime Branch from Taloja Central Jail for questioning regarding allegations made by his estranged second wife. He had been charged under Section 377 (unnatural sex) of the Indian Penal Code. The police stated that when the vehicle transporting him reached the Mumbra Bypass, Shinde allegedly seized the pistol from Assistant Police Inspector Nilesh More and fired three shots, injuring the officer in the thigh.
In response, Senior Inspector Sanjay Shinde fired a shot that hit Akshay Shinde in the head. He was rushed to the hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival. “The accused was being brought from Taloja Central Jail when he opened fire on the police with their revolver. The investigation is underway…,” said Thane police PRO Shailesh Salvi, as reported by ANI.
Shinde’s family, including his mother and uncle, claimed that there was a conspiracy involving the police and the management of the Badlapur school.
The encounter has sparked a political dispute between the ruling Mahayuti government and the opposition Maha Vikas Aghadi. CM Shinde commented, “Akshay Shinde’s ex-wife had accused him of sexual violence and the police were taking him for a probe regarding these allegations. He snatched the gun of a police personnel and opened fire. Police fired back in self-defense.”
In contrast, the opposition has raised questions about the encounter, suggesting it was a conspiracy. “This murder or encounter that has taken place was done to save the main accused (the school management). How convincing is it that a janitor snatches a gun from a policeman and fires a locked weapon? This is a basic question,” stated Shiv Sena (UBT) Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Raut on Tuesday.
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