The Samajwadi Party (SP) is actively preparing for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh. On the one hand, training camps are being organised, while on the other, conferences of various caste groups are being held to bring everyone together and create a favourable atmosphere for the SP. On Monday, the SP organised a programme for the backward classes and on Tuesday, a conference for minority communities was held.
The conference was held at the Lohia Auditorium, in the party’s headquarters, which was renamed “Mulayam Nagar” for the day. This is an indication that the SP is making efforts to connect minorities, especially Muslims, under the banner of Mulayam Singh. However, at this conference, Mohammad Akhlaq Khan, one of Mulayam Singh’s closest associates and a prominent Muslim face of the party was conspicuously absent. It was stated that he had a court appearance, although Abdullah Azam was present at the conference. While Khan’s absence ignited several discussions in political spheres, several other senior leaders were present at the gathering.
The conference, convened by the National President of the party’s minority wing, Maulana Ikbal Kadri, brought together people associated with the party from across the state. Party President Akhilesh Yadav and General Secretary Shivpal Yadav addressed the gathering, along with prominent Muslim faces of the party including Moradabad MP Dr ST Hasan and party Maharashtra president Abu Asim Azmi, and several former MPs and MLAs.
Top SP leaders directly addressed the Muslim community, urging them to unite and spread their party’s message through their PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) to the general public. They also cautioned about remaining vigilant regarding programs initiated by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), aimed at winning over the Pasmanda community.
Furthermore, the leaders who emerged after the conference clearly stated that discussions regarding the PDAs were held during the conference and plans were made on how to counter the BJP.
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