The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has criticized the Samajwadi Party (SP) for calling for a DNA test in the Ayodhya gang rape case, calling it a “conspiracy to protect the accused.” Vishwanath Pal, the BSP’s UP president, questioned why a new DNA test is needed when the victim has already given her statement at the hospital.

Pal also criticized the previous SP governments for not taking similar measures during their time in office. He mentioned that the SP had not expelled the accused from the party yet and questioned their track record on handling such cases.

Pal met with the victim’s family and promised them justice, advising her mother not to be afraid despite the pressure they were facing.

SP chief Akhilesh Yadav responded by calling the BSP’s charges a “political conspiracy” and urged the court to take immediate action in the case. He emphasized the government’s responsibility to ensure the best medical care for the victim and protect her safety.

Yadav had demanded DNA tests for the main accused, Moid Khan, a local SP worker, and his co-accused, Raju Khan. He said that justice should be sought through proper legal processes, not through political arguments.

The demand for a DNA test sparked controversy, with the ruling BJP questioning its necessity given the evidence of the victim’s pregnancy. BSP leader Mayawati also criticized Yadav’s demand, asking how many DNA tests had been done under the previous SP government.

On Saturday, the Ayodhya district administration demolished the bakery owned by the accused, calling it an illegal construction. Both accused have been arrested for raping a 12-year-old girl, with the crime discovered after medical tests revealed the girl was pregnant. The accused are alleged to have raped the victim over two months and recorded the incidents.