Atishi, Delhi’s Minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader, was admitted to LNJP Hospital in the early hours of Tuesday following a decline in her health amid an indefinite hunger strike. Medical Director Suresh Kumar described her condition upon admission as critical, noting extremely low blood sugar and drowsiness.

“Atishi was brought to the hospital at 3:48 AM in a very critical state. Upon admission, she was found to have very low blood sugar and ketones in her urine,” Kumar stated.

Due to her deteriorating condition, Atishi was transferred to the Emergency ICU in LNJP on Tuesday morning where she received immediate medical attention. As of the latest update, her vital signs including pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and blood sugar have stabilized, and she is currently receiving oral fluids.

Atishi initiated her hunger strike on June 21 amidst Delhi’s water crisis, demanding increased water supply from Haryana. The AAP leader alleged that since commencing her strike, water supply from Haryana to Delhi had been reduced by the BJP-led state government.

The water shortage in Delhi has intensified amid rising temperatures and inadequate water tanker availability, leaving residents grappling with daily water supply challenges.