Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma attended a ceremony at the DC office premises in Amingaon, Kamrup district, where he distributed land pattas to residents of four villages in Barbangshar Mouza, North Guwahati Revenue Circle.

Chief Minister Sarma handed out 881 land pattas covering a total of 369 bighas, 2 kathas, and 10 lechas of land to residents of Barpalaha, Gog, Dakshin Mandakata, and Bhomolahati villages. He emphasized that the lack of land pattas often results in challenges such as inadequate compensation during land acquisitions and difficulties in securing bank loans and other benefits.

Sarma explained that the Kamrup District Administration issued these pattas to ensure that residents could receive compensation if their land was needed for the Guwahati Ring Road project. He also indicated that the government, through the district administration, is considering issuing additional pattas and encouraged the public to address any land valuation issues by consulting the District Commissioner.

The Chief Minister noted that many Namghars (community prayer halls) in rural Assam, some up to 100 years old, lack land pattas, which excludes them from government benefits. He highlighted that incomplete paperwork often leads to disputes over ancestral land donations.

Sarma announced that Mission Basundhara 3.0, launching in October, will focus on issuing land pattas to Namghars, schools, and institutions, and converting shared leases into private ownerships. The initiative will also address land pattas for individuals allotted land for government institutions who have not yet received legal ownership.

He also introduced new legislation aimed at preventing land sales to non-indigenous communities in the undivided Goalpara district.

The event was attended by Environment and Forests Minister Chandra Mohan Patowary, BJP Assam Pradesh President and MLA Bhabesh Kalita, MPs Bhubaneswar Kalita, Dilip Saikia, Bijuli Kalita Medhi, MLA Diganta Kalita, District Commissioner Keerthi Jalli, and other dignitaries.