Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma announced on Saturday that all new Aadhaar card applicants in the state must now submit their National Register of Citizens (NRC) application receipt number (ARN) to prevent the “influx of illegal foreigners.” Sarma explained that the move aims to address the issue of Aadhaar card applications exceeding the population in certain districts, which raises concerns about questionable citizenship.
Sarma stated that this new requirement will not apply to the 9.55 lakh individuals whose biometrics were locked during the NRC process. He highlighted that four districts—Barpeta (103.74%), Dhubri (103%), and Morigaon and Nagaon (both at 101%)—reported Aadhaar card applications exceeding their populations.
In a broader effort to remove illegal immigrants, the Assam government will issue Aadhaar cards to new applicants only after the district commissioner grants a no-objection certificate, following a thorough examination of their details. Providing an NRC ARN will indicate that the applicant was present in the state before 2014. Sarma noted that the central government has given states the power to decide whether to issue Aadhaar cards to individuals.
Sarma also emphasized the state’s intensified efforts to identify illegal immigrants, noting that several Bangladeshi nationals have been apprehended in recent months. Enhanced surveillance, stronger collaboration with the BSF and central agencies, and increased force deployment are part of the state’s strategy to combat illegal immigration.
In addition, the government plans to bolster intelligence-gathering on cross-border networks and infiltration routes, while launching community awareness programs in border areas. Local residents will be encouraged to report suspicious activities to assist in the early detection of illegal immigrants.
Since January 2024, 54 illegal immigrants have been detected, with the majority in Karimganj. Sarma reaffirmed the state’s commitment to removing illegal immigrants through coordinated actions and increased security efforts across Assam.
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