The body of the prime accused in the alleged gang rape of a 14-year-old minor girl in Assam’s Dhing area was recovered by police on Saturday morning. The accused, Tafazul Islam, reportedly tried to escape police custody during an investigation, jumping into a nearby pond, where he died. According to Swapnaneel Deka, Superintendent of Police of Nagaon district, Tafazul was arrested on Friday in connection with the gang rape case. While being taken to the crime scene for further investigation, he attempted to flee by jumping into the pond. Police, along with the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF), conducted a search operation and recovered his body.

The tragic incident involving the minor girl took place on August 22 when she was allegedly gang-raped by three individuals while returning home from her tuition classes. The case has sparked widespread protests in the Dhing area, with locals and various organizations demanding justice and strict punishment for the culprits.

Assam’s Director General of Police, GP Singh, visited the crime scene on Friday and met with the victim’s family, reassuring them of the state’s commitment to taking action. Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma also emphasized the importance of swift justice in cases of violence against women, stating that strict action is necessary to maintain public trust. He also indicated that such crimes would be met with strong governmental responses, referencing the current political climate and the need for accountability in addressing crimes against women. The police are continuing their efforts to apprehend the remaining two suspects involved in the case.