Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has petitioned the Supreme Court one day after the Delhi High Court rejected his request challenging his arrest in the liquor policy case. The lawyer for the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party plans to present the case to Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud at around 10:30 am, requesting an expedited hearing.

Earlier, the Delhi High Court on Tuesday rejected the petition of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, in which he had challenged the trial court’s order of his arrest and custody by the ED. Justice Swarn Kanta Sharma took note of ED’s argument that there was enough evidence to arrest Kejriwal.

The court said, “The files and evidence placed before us show that the ED has followed the law. The order of the trial court is not a two-line order. The ED has the hawala dealers’ as well as the AAP candidates’ details and statements who were involved in the Goa elections. Last week, ED had filed its counter affidavit on Kejriwal’s petition.”

ED had arrested Delhi CM on March 21 following Kejriwal’s continuous disapproval of summons sent by ED. The AAP leader had repeatedly escaped summonses in connection with the money laundering issue. Later ED presented evidences in the court that mentioned the charge that Mr. Kejriwal was actively involved in the use and concealment of purported profits of crime.