The TDP national general secretary, Nara Lokesh, on Thursday said that the Chief Minister, Jagan Mohan Reddy, is more interested in looting the State than focusing on the people’s welfare and issues that are plaguing the State.

During his ongoing Yuva Galam pada yatra, the villagers of Injaram of Mummidivaram Assembly segment in a memorandum said that though the local MLA laid the foundation four years ago for rebuilding the flyover near their village which is in a dilapidated condition no steps are taken till now to begin the works. Also, almost neraby 14 villages are reeling under acute water crisis, the villagers informed Lokesh.

Expressing concern that the Jagan Mohan Reddy Government is not paying even the powe bills of the lift irrigation schemes due to which water crisis has deepend, Lokesh said that once the TDP forms the next government all the problems will be resolved on priority basis.
The Bapanapalle villagers who met Lokesh raised various problems they are facing, including the poor condition of roads in their area. As the pending bills are not cleared, construction of the housing units has not been taken up.

Responding to the villagers complaint, Lokesh said that once the TDP is back all the bills that have been kept pending due to political vendetta will be cleared. Since massive amount of bills are pending no contractor is coming forward to take up the works and this will be resolved by the coming TDP regime, he told the villagers. P Mallavaram villagers informed Lokesh that an oil company being managed by the ONGC has not not fulfilled any promise made to them during the laying of its pipeline. Lokesh assured them that the coming TDP government will certainly sole the matter.