Just before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, Congress lost one more hand, as its national spokesperson, Gourav Vallabh, on Thursday, April 4, 2024, quit the grand old party and joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). After his resignation, he said that “he cannot abuse Sanatan Dharma.”
The announcement came after Congress senior leader Sanjay Nirupam’s resignation. Gourav Vallabh announced his resignation via his social media handle X (formally Twitter) by posting a quote from the Mahabharata, and in his letter, he wrote, “The directionless way in which the Congress party is currently going forward makes me uncomfortable. I cannot support anti-Sanatan slogans, nor can I criticise the country’s wealth creators day in and day out. Therefore, I am resigning from all positions and the primary membership of the Congress party.” In his resignation letter, Vallabh further alleged that the party’s ground level has completely broken down, which is not at all understandable given the aspirations of New India. “As a result, the party is neither coming into power nor able to play a strong role as an opposition. This disappoints a worker like me. Bridging the gap between senior leaders and grassroots workers is very difficult, which is essential politically,” Gaurav added. He further said, “Until a worker can directly suggest to their leader, any kind of positive change is not possible.”
After resigning from the grand old party, Gourav Vallabh joined the BJP in the presence of the BJP’s General Secretary, Vinod Tawde, at the BJP’s headquarters. After joining the BJP, Gourav said, I cannot abuse Sanatan Dharma. It becomes uncomfortable for me to work in Congress as it becomes a directionless party. He added the same point I had made in my resignation letter. He further said I am glad to join the BJP and work with the mission of Vikshit Bharat.
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