In a horrifying incident in Andhra Pradesh’s Sri Sathya district, two women were allegedly gang-raped by four men who broke into an under-construction paper mill late Saturday night. The incident occurred in the Chilamanthur police station area, police officials reported on Sunday.
According to Superintendent of Police V Ratna, the victims were part of a family of four—a senior couple, their son, and their daughter-in-law. The two women who were assaulted are the elderly woman and her daughter-in-law. The family members were residing at the mill, where both men worked as security guards.
The four assailants entered the room where the family was staying, first attacking the two men—the elderly man and his son—before assaulting the women. After committing the crime, the accused fled the scene. The victims and their family are said to be in a state of shock following the attack.
The police have launched a full-scale investigation to apprehend the culprits and are actively searching for the perpetrators. Authorities have assured the public that every effort is being made to bring those responsible to justice. Further details are expected as the investigation progresses.
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