Balireddy Palli Village, Tirupati District: In the aftermath of the recent cyclonic storm that hit Tirupati District, Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy conducted an aerial tour to assess the extent of the damage. Following the tour, the Chief Minister personally engaged with the residents of Balireddypalli Village to understand the ground reality and extend support.

Relief Camps and Evacuation:
Officials have established 92 relief camps in the affected areas, providing shelter to 8,364 residents. Rations, including 25 kg of rice, 1 kg of palm oil, and 1 kg each of onions and potatoes, have been distributed to approximately 60,000 people.

Government Support and Volunteer System:
The Chief Minister highlighted the robust volunteer and secretariat system in the state, assuring citizens that the government stands firmly behind them during these challenging times. Distribution programs, including ration kits for 62,000 families and a financial aid of Rs.2,500 for each family in relief camps.
Chief Minister Jagan announced that each family residing in the relief camps will be provided with a financial assistance of Rs.2,500. Commencing today, over the next few days, dedicated volunteers and village secretariat staff will visit every household to facilitate the disbursement of Rs.2,500 to each family.

Agricultural Support:
To address crop losses, the government will provide seeds with an 80 percent subsidy to affected farmers. The Chief Minister emphasized that this initiative will be implemented promptly, with collectors overseeing the process.

Infrastructure and Electricity Restoration:
Swift action has been taken to restore electricity, with teams working double shifts to repair damaged infrastructure.
A permanent solution for the bridge at Swarnamukhi is under consideration. CM announced a high-level bridge costing Rs.30 crores has been sanctioned.
“Upon my arrival, I took note of the repercussions of the bridge at Swarnamukhi. I emphasized the need to identify a permanent solution, suggesting the construction of a high-level bridge as a viable option. The estimated cost for this proposed project is Rs.30 crores, and the necessary approvals for the high-level bridge are in the process of being sanctioned. “ CM said

Roads and Water Restoration:
Road repair works for damaged roads, restoration water supply systems, and small tanks are underway. Proposals totaling Rs.32 crore have been received for the restoration of roads, RWS, R&B roads, and small tanks.

The Chief Minister reassured the public that the government is committed to resolving any issues promptly. Citizens are encouraged to report problems by calling 1902, with the Chief Minister’s Office (CMO) taking swift action. Collectors will supervise and ensure the completion of all programs within four to five days, with feedback loops established for continuous improvement. In closing, the Chief Minister reiterated that the government is dedicated to the welfare of its citizens and urged everyone to come forward, reporting any concerns for timely resolution.