The Kadapa Lok Sabha constituency in Andhra Pradesh is bracing for a fierce showdown between relatives. Incumbent MP YS Avinash Reddy of the YSR Congress Party faces a challenge from state Congress chief YS Sharmila, daughter of former CM YS Rajasekhara Reddy and sister of YSRCP chief Jagan Mohan Reddy. Avinash Reddy, the cousin of Sharmila and Jagan, is up against Chidipiralla Bhupesh Reddy of the Telugu Desam Party, which is allied with the BJP in the state.
Kadapa comprises seven assembly segments, all held by the YSRCP. It has long been a stronghold of the YSR family, with YS Rajasekhara Reddy winning thrice and Jagan Mohan Reddy securing victory in 2009. Avinash Reddy has held the seat since 2014.
However, Andhra CM Jagan Mohan Reddy’s mother, YS Vijayalakshmi, has thrown her weight behind Sharmila, urging Kadapa residents to support her. Vijayalakshmi, widow of former CM YS Rajasekhar Reddy, resigned from her honorary post in YSRCP in 2022.
Sharmila, who merged her YSR Telangana Party with Congress and became state chief, has targeted her brother and Avinash Reddy over their uncle YS Vivekananda Reddy’s death. Key issues in the constituency include industrial development, infrastructure improvement, livelihood enhancement, unemployment, illegal sand mining, and land encroachment.
Voting for the Kadapa Lok Sabha seat is scheduled for May 13 in the fourth phase of general elections, with results to be announced on June 4. In 2019, Avinash Reddy won with a significant margin. This year’s candidates include YS Avinash Reddy (YSRCP), YS Sharmila (Congress), and Chadipiralla Bhupesh Subbarami Reddy (TDP), among others. In the 2019 elections, YSRCP dominated with 22 seats, while TDP managed only 3, and both BJP and Congress were left empty-handed.
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