On Thursday, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu narrowly avoided a potential accident during his inspection of flood-affected Madhuranagar in Vijayawada. While walking near a railway track to examine a waterlogged stream, a train suddenly approached from the opposite direction. Naidu, along with his officials and security personnel, had to quickly move out of the train’s path. The team resumed their inspection once the train had passed without further issues.
Inspection Efforts
Despite the close call, Naidu continued his efforts to manage the flood relief work. His inspections included navigating through floodwaters and using boats and bulldozers to assess the situation. On Thursday, he was seen surveying a swollen rivulet from a railway bridge in Vijayawada. As a train sped by, the 74-year-old CM remained composed, standing close to the train’s path on a narrow platform.
Public Reaction
The CM’s fieldwork received a positive response from passengers on the speeding train, who cheered for Naidu. This incident is part of his broader effort to personally oversee the relief operations following severe torrential rains and floods in the area.