Political heavyweights and Tollywood stars converged in Vijayawada to attend the swearing-in ceremony of the new Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Chandrababu Naidu. However, in the aftermath of the event, a video clip of a conversation between Union Home Minister Amit Shah and former Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan has ignited speculation about possible discord within the BJP’s state unit.

The video clip that emerged on social media depicts Tamilisai greeting Shah on stage before walking past him. Moments later, Shah calls her back and engages in a conversation, gesturing with his finger.

The details of their exchange remain unknown. This video has garnered significant attention amidst ongoing speculation about a rift between Tamil Nadu BJP chief K Annamalai and Tamilisai following the Lok Sabha defeat.

BJP Tamil Nadu social media cell vice president Karthik Gopinath took to X and wrote: “That looks like a strong admonishment from Amit Shah ji to Tamilisai akka. But what could be the reason for this “public” warning? Unwarranted public comments?”

Spokesperson of the DMK, Saravanan Annadurai said: “What kind of politics is this? Is it polite to publicly reprimand a prominent female politician from Tamil Nadu? Amit Shah should know that everyone will see this. A very wrong example!”

After the BJP failed to win any seats in TN in the recent Lok Sabha elections, some party functionaries blamed Annamalai. Tamilisai’s statements sparked controversy as she claimed a BJP-AIADMK alliance would have secured several seats and questioned postings given to individuals with criminal histories.

While Annamalai remained silent, his supporters clashed with Tamilisai on social media. Sources say Annamalai sought more control over the party due to the social media disputes.