According to sources close to the party, Union Home Minister Amit Shah will travel to Bhopal on Sunday to attend party meetings, hear from candidates, and strategize with state leaders ahead of the upcoming Assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh. According to sources, Amit Shah is scheduled to arrive in Bhopal on October 1 at 11:30 AM and stay for about three hours. At the party headquarters, he will also host separate meetings with senior leaders. Shah’s visit before the Model Code of Conduct was implemented is particularly noteworthy.

The BJP has so far announced one name for the third list and 39 names for the first and second lists of candidates in Madhya Pradesh. Out of a total of 230 assembly seats, 79 candidates have been named in these three lists, and names for the other 151 seats in the state have not yet been released. For the upcoming assembly elections in the state, the BJP on Tuesday unveiled its third list, which only included one candidate. The Schedule Tribe (ST) reserved Amarwara assembly constituency in the Chhindwara district was also announced by the party.

Monday evening saw the release of the BJP’s second list of 39 candidates for the upcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly elections, which includes four party MPs and three Union Ministers.