During the final week of the Telangana assembly election campaign, Union Home Minister Amit Shah took part in a roadshow on Friday at Bandlaguda Jagir division’s Chevella Main Road, which is close to Hyderabad. Alongside candidate Thokala Srinivas Reddy, Shah was taking part in the roadshow in the Telangana Rajendra Nagar Assembly Constituency.

“We have given many promises. The most important among them is that we are going to appoint a Chief Minister from the Backward Classes community here. We would like to stop reservations for Muslims and redistribute them to SC, ST and OBCs. We have also promised to give vertical reservation to the Madiga community,” the Union Home Minister said .
“We have also promised to give four gas cylinders free annually to every poor woman. We will constitute a committee to investigate on all the scams that have taken place to date and punish those who indulged in corruption,” he added.

The state’s elections, scheduled for November 30th, feature a triangular contest between the ruling Bharat Rasthtra Samithi, Congress, and BJP. The votes will be tallied on December 3rd. The BRS, formerly known as Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), won 88 of the 119 seats in the previous Assembly election in 2018, obtaining 47.4% of the total vote share. The Congress, with only 19 seats, finished far behind.