On Thursday, a fresh group of pilgrims set off for the revered Amarnath Yatra from the Pantha Chowk Base Camp. Amid tight security, the pilgrims embarked on their spiritual journey to the Baltal and Pahalgam base camps with enthusiasm and devotion, seeking blessings and a deeper connection with their faith.
The Amarnath Yatra, organized by the Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board, offers two routes for the pilgrimage: one via Pahalgam and the other through Baltal. Baltal, situated in the Ganderbal district of Jammu and Kashmir, serves as a key camping ground for the pilgrims.
One of the pilgrims, traveling from Maharashtra, expressed his joy, stating, “I am feeling great; for the past four years, I wanted to come for the Amarnath Yatra. This time it happened… Everyone should come to this yatra. It is very beautiful.”
Samjana Thapa, a pilgrim from Nepal, shared her positive experience, “I am feeling good… The services and security are good here; I hadn’t thought that it would be this good… Everyone should come here.”
This year’s Amarnath Yatra takes place against the backdrop of an increased number of terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir. On July 8, five soldiers were killed, and several others injured in an ambush by terrorists in the Kathua district.
On July 6th, the Jammu and Kashmir Traffic Police released an advise for National Highway 44 in order to guarantee the safe and effective transportation of pilgrims and commuters throughout the yatra. This advisory includes cut-off timings and clear instructions for convoy and non-convoy movements.
On Wednesday, July 10, Inspector General of Police of Kashmir, VK Birdi, held a crucial coordination and security meeting at the Nunwan Base Camp to ensure a safe and secure pilgrimage.
The Amarnath Yatra commenced on June 29 and will conclude on August 19, spanning 52 days. Devotees of Lord Shiva undertake this challenging annual pilgrimage to the holy cave located in the Kashmir Himalayas.