As India marked its 75th Republic Day on Friday, Kartavya Path witnessed the strength of an all-women Tri-Services contingent known as Agniveers. The 75th Republic Day celebrations focused on the themes of ‘Nari Shakti’ and ‘Viksit Bharat.’

The Tri-Services women contingent symbolizes Jointness, Integrity, and Synergy among the armed services. This marks the first instance of a women soldiers contingent representing all three services proudly and with distinction in the Republic Day Parade. The motto of the Tri-Service women contingent is ‘Seva Tatha Sahayata.’

The contingent includes women soldiers from the Corps of Military Police of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. Women military police have been deployed in diverse areas, including Counter Insurgency Zones, Siachen Glacier, High Altitude Areas, and the Desert terrain. They have demonstrated exceptional performance in various Joint Exercises and UN Missions.

Leading the all-women contingent from Tri-Services was Captain Sandhya of the Military Police, accompanied by three supernumerary officers: Capt Shranya Rao, Sub Lt Anshu Yadav, and Flt Lt Shrishti Rao. These women have actively participated in adventure activities such as Sky Diving and the Shwet Ashwa Motorcycle Display Team.

Since the inception of women’s entry through the Agnipath scheme, 450 Agniveer Vayu personnel in the Air Force and 1100 Women Agniveers in the Army have completed their training and been inducted into various trades and branches.