Ajit Pawar, the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra, honored Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj on Sunday in Pune by holding a road show. During the Deputy Chief Minister’s roadshow, numerous police teams were on duty. Ajit Pawar and Devendra Fadnavis recently met with Chief Minister Eknath Shinde amid the ongoing demonstrations in the state over the demand for Maratha community reservation in employment and education.
Although the Maharashtra government apologized for using a lathi to attack protesters in Jalna, the opposition has continued to put pressure on the administration by calling for Shinde’s resignation.
“Lathicharge by police was not right… I am apologising on behalf of the Government. CM has said that the action will be taken against those who are responsible for it,” said Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis.
The meeting of the Maharashtra Cabinet sub-committee on Maratha Reservation was held recently to discuss the issue of the Maratha reservation and lathi charge on protestors. Both Shinde and deputy chief ministers- Pawar and Fadnavis were present at the meeting.
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