Before the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Haryana has prepared its biggest election campaign to date. This campaign is slated to begin in September; through this, the party will be targeting 4,500 Shakti Kendras. All office bearers and workers at Panna Pramukh, Mandal, District and State levels will be a part of this drive. Party workers will go door-to-door, meeting residents who benefitted from both the Central and state government’s schemes over the last nine years. Participating workers will also be taking feedback from Haryana residents.
The most notable aspect of this particular campaign is that Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, along with his entire cabinet, will also be participating and visiting the people of the state.
According to sources close to the state’s BJP unit president Om Prakash Dhankar, this election campaign is the biggest campaign to be planned and executed in the state so far. The week-long campaign has one dedicated day for training, after which the next six days will be spent on the ground, among the people. Short-term expanders will contact the beneficiaries to strengthen the booths and will inform the people of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi government’s achievements over this nine-year period.
In order to win the Lok Sabha elections 2024, the BJP is preparing a plan at the micro level to strengthen the organisation as well as expand it through this “mega plan”. Party president Dhankar said that short-term expansionists play an important role in the work of the party and the expansion of the organisation. Necessary guidelines have been given after discussing various aspects related to the Vistarak scheme. BJP’s short-term expansion will work to strengthen the party by visiting every booth.
A complete schedule has been prepared for this scheme by the state president. Thousands of party workers are expected to visit a number of different booths as short-term extenders. In this episode, there will be a training camp for Ambala, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Sonipat and Rohtak Lok Sabha on 9 and 10 September. Similarly, on 10 and 11 September, training camps will be organised for party workers based in Faridabad, Gurugram, Bhiwani, Hisar and Sirsa Lok Sabha constituencies.
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