Mumbai: Amid bag-check row, the EC officials after checking Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde’s bags at palghar helipad have now checked the bags of two deputy cm’s Ajit Pawar and Devendra Fadanavis.
In the video posted on social media deputy cm Ajit Pawar’s bag were been checked by the EC officials at Baramati helipad on the other hand another deputy CM Devendra Fadanavis bags were also been checked by the EC officials at Katol helipad which is located in Nagpur during his visit to address a public rally in Maharashtra.
Deputy CM Ajit Pawar shared this video on his social media handle ‘X’ where he said, “Today, while on my way for election campaigning, the Election Commission conducted a routine check of my bags and helicopter. I fully cooperate and believe that such measures are essential to ensure free and fair elections. Let us all respect the law and support efforts to uphold the integrity of our democracy.”
This comes days after Shivsena UBT chief Uddhav Thackrey had questioned the ec officials over his bags being checked first in yavatmal and then in latur. Uddhav thackrey was clearly seen asking the officials whether they do the same with PM Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, CM Eknath Shinde. After this earlier in the day the Maharashtra BJP said in a post on X that Devendra Fadnavis’ bags were checked at Yavatmal on November 7 and at Kolhapur on November 5, but he didn’t make an issue out of it.
Today the EC officials in the afternoon checked the bags of top three leaders of Maharashtra including CM Eknath Shinde and both the deputies Devendra Fadanavis and Ajit Pawar while they were on their tour respectively. Whereas this is the third time where Deputy CM Devendra Fadanavis’s bags were been checked by EC officials.
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