West Bengal Congress President and Congress leader in the Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, has written a letter to Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav, urging an immediate review of the increased fares for passengers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Expressing astonishment, Chowdhury highlighted that despite a threefold surge in rail fares for travelers nationwide during the pandemic, special trains operating as dedicated services have not witnessed any reduction or alteration in their fares.
In the letter dated November 9, 2023, Chowdhury emphasized the need for prompt action to roll back the fare hike on trains operating in the Howrah Division. He referenced a previous discussion and stressed the urgency of revising the fares to pre-pandemic levels. The Congress leader pointed out that no action has been taken so far to address the increased fares, burdening economically challenged travelers with exorbitant costs for their train journeys.
Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury reiterated his plea for immediate intervention to normalize the rental charges for passenger trains in the Howrah Division, providing relief to the financially strained commuters.
The letter emphasized the necessity of swift action to rectify the situation and ensure equitable access to rail travel for all sections of society.
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