Leader of Congress in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Monday during his reply to the debate on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address questioned the Defence Minister for the situation in Ladakh and claimed that vast areas of Ladakh have been occupied.
While speaking in the Lok Sabha on Monday, he said China is emboldened today and the Modi government has failed in its China’s policy.
“Not even a word on security concerns was mentioned in the President’s Address. The situation in Ladakh is deteriorating day by day. I want to ask our Defence Minister to please tell us what is the situation in Ladakh. You said that the status will be restored. Day by day situation of Ladakh is worsening. 2000 square kilometre area is being occupied. Today the shepherd is unable to go there. Please ask the people of Ladakh why this happening. Why are you sitting silent? From Arunachal to Ladakh the situation is worsening,” Adhir Ranjan said.
Chowdhury further said, “When the Galwan incident took place you gave the certificate that no one entered at our place. From 2014 till now your government failed in China policy.”
As Leader of Congress in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury raised the issues of Ladakh and Maldives, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh immediately intervened and expressed disagreement over the Congress leader’s comments pertaining to LAC.
“As Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury took my name, I express my disagreement with whatever he said in connection with China and LAC. I condemn this,” Rajnath Singh said.
The Defence Minister further assured the House that India is not weak anymore. India has emerged strong.
“I would like to assure the House that India is not weak anymore. India has become strong. If someone dares to stare at India, India has the capability and strength. to give a befitting reply…The country should not be unnecessarily defamed in the forum of the Parliament,” the Defence Minister said.
Adhir further said that Congress is standing with the government fo rthe security of the country.
Adhir Ranjan quoted Swami Vivekanand and said that he is proud to belong to the nation of universal acceptance and tolerance which has sheltered all the persecuted religious persons and refugees.
“Swami Vivekanand proudly said to the people of the world – I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world universal acceptance and tolerance, which has taught the world not only the universal acceptance and tolerance but also the belief that all the religions in the world are true. I am proud to belong to the nation that has sheltered all the persecuted religious persons and refugees. That is the country that we have inherited. Now, the situation has been turning in such a rapid manner that it has created apprehensions, and fears among the minority population of our country,” he added.